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Oct. 2014 – Commemoration, James of
Jer., martyr

Dear Friends of Jesus our Risen Christ,

 “The worship service is ended … and now the worship and the service begin.”

Last week another of our membership lived past a 100th birthday:  Kathatrina Klein has joined Franz Weiding in that extremely exclusive group of people in our Congregation.  The number of people in that group in our nation and in our world is larger … and the rate is progressively lower in our nation and world; it is even more rare statistically!  Few get to celebrate that 100th birthday.
Clearly, it is rare because most of us die before we reach that 100th birthday.  That death is a grief to us who live … and yet we know that we all die – until the day of Jesus our Christ.

And if we live that long, it means that we have lived through things which others have not survived, have lived through troubles and uncertainties as well as joys and happiness's.  Living that long costs us, costs us a lot, in a variety of ways.  Living costs us in various ways.

Living costs us time and in the case of 100-year-olds, it cost them a LOT of time, obviously.  It takes the time of the individual, time of the family, even time of the friends, quite often.

Living costs us energy and focus.  The traffic a 20-year-old would shrug about can overwhelm some senior drivers.  The quick walk from car to store I take for granted can be dangerous and grueling.  What we did so easily when we were younger costs us more as we age.

Living costs us money, and as we get older living costs us progressively more for health.

Living costs us time, energy, money … and eventually our lives!  Getting older, is not easy, is not for the weak or cowardly, like much of life.

We find out that finally we live only by faith, as our bodies,
memories, and minds slow, give us difficulties, may give-out; 

as friends and family members of our age become fewer, as our families “spread-out,” and as the world becomes more different, more difficult, more strange.
 We find we live in faith, don’t we, find we have been living by faith and sometimes not realized it.  Living by a faith we may take for granted at a lot of times in our lives … and faith which we realize to be something we rely on more and more as we age.  Faith, which we sometimes are more willing to share as we get older.
 I recall about 5 years ago as I waited at a pharmacy to fill a prescription, waited with a large group of people, all of whom had either
 bald heads or gray hair heads … or both.  I looked around and said loudly, “Golden years?”  Whew!  That sparked IMMEDIATE and STRONG reactions from all … and we had a good time talking, including about the problems of age, the joys of age, and the faith of age.
 Have you provoked some of those discussions?  Have you contributed to discussions?  Have you mentioned what is important to you to the people around you?
 31 October is not just Halloween (the Eve of All Hallows) – it’s Reformation Day.  31 October 2017 is “special”:  the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing the 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg castle church, the Quin-centenniel of the Reformation.
 Anniversaries – of birth or of Reformation – are good times for talking of faith, for thanking God, and for praying for yet more strength and grace as we ALL get older, some of our older seniors have told me, and from what they’ve told me, I know both Frau Klein and Herr Weiding agree.
μαραναθά = אתא ןרמ= “Maranatha” (
1 Cor 16:22) = Come Lord Jesus (Rev.22:20).  Come among us with your Easter life and help us be your love to the world.

I pray that we give God the glory, God alone!

Please let me know what your decisions are.

Yours in Christ, 
Pastor Gies

St. Peter Lutheran Church

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